Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Party for Gina

drinks were served!

kids played outside

that weird neighbor kept taking pictures of us

 someone (probably me) brought flowers

and gifts

 food was served

and the main course, rabbit

 we then had carrot cake

and hairy arm cake

Pam almost got ninja kicked

there was the circle of estrogen

movie for the kids

then the stripper arrived

 put on a show

then left, bye bye      

Happy Birthday Gina __!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Recent Work

Quite pleased to get an assignment from this magazine.

Atlantic Magazine
Art Director: Jason Treat
Assist: Piper Hanson
Introducing: The Baumgart Family
Producer: Jenny Fort

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On Location for Ladies Home Journal

Unflattering squat pose

 photos: Piper Hanson

Models: Ciara, left and Dagna
Hair/MU: Erin Skipley
Wardrobe: Elana Chavez
Assisted by Piper Hansen
Casting: Diana Lopez

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

On Location for Atlantic Monthly

I love Eastern Washington in the Summer. Any chance I can get I'm shooting on the other side of the mountains. Sagebrush and Heatttttt.   
To see the digital version go here.

photos: Piper Hanson

Monday, August 1, 2011

Not found film...Sister Sky Products from Spokane Tribe.

'Sister Sky' is two sisters near Spokane that have a successful skin care line. It's all in the family as Dad uses his success from his casino to help out. 
  But Andy can we see bigger pics?...Unfortunately no as
Fortune/Time Warner misplaced, lost, can't seem to find! this lovely film so I have to resort to showing their tiny jpegs for now.

Monica Simeon and Marina TurningRobe

Ronald "Buzz" Gutierrez