Monday, June 15, 2009

SPJ Awards

June 2009

I was awarded some silverware from the Society of Professional Journalists regional annual for some magazine portraits.

Wexley School for Girls- ad agency

Bill Ruckleshaus, who was appointed by Richard Nixon to start the EPA.

Spanish Fanzine 10x15

May 2009

some of my images appear in a photography Fanzine 10x15.
they are in Madrid.

this one is about swimming pools.

Legal Fun

January 2009

It's not just taking pictures, use delivery memo's and copies next time...

Boy shoots portrait
Magazine uses portrait
Subject unfairly uses portrait
Boy tries and tries to get satisfaction
Subject gets restraining order!
Boy gets Lawyer
Boy and Lawyer and several witnesses show up in court to defend Boy
Subject is a no show at court
Boy now wants more satisfaction
Subject and Boy meet
Boy gets satisfaction.

New Rep

January 2009

New Rep: Maria Avitablie at Redux Reps
see their site here:

they are commisioning commercial clients but editorial still deals with Andy.